Thursday, July 16, 2009

Contracting for Manpower

So Michigan's economy continues to slide into the muck and I should be glad I have a job. Which I am.*

*However, it is with Manpower 'Professional' (MP) which is working hard at squeezing every bit of profit they can from those of us in their employ. I get, I suspect, the same benefits that a fresh out of high school factory worker gets, which is to say not much. This is difficult to come to grips with after spending 20 years at a good company who treated me with some degree of respect. MP not so much.

So what to do? Well, they have us over the proverbial barrel. I have no leverage and no HR contact to gripe to. What do people do when they are in a corner with no options? I have faith in God that I'm trying to rely on, but the hundreds of others in the same boat without that may find a desperate release. Who knows? At least I'm working.



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